Our team has put together a list of our most frequently asked questions. From how often to get pest control to questions about pets to what to do after a service, you will find the answers below.
If you've got a question and don't see it below contact our team who will be only too happy to help!
1. How often should I get pest control?
The recommended frequency of services depends on the pest being treated. For more general pest treatments such as SWOT’s Urban Pest Management treatment we recommend having this completed every 9-12 months to ensure a strong barrier is in place.
When it comes to more pest specific treatments such as German Cockroaches these services target the individual infestation itself when they occur, and are completed once eradication is achieved.
2. How often should I get a Termite Inspection?
The Australian Standards recommend for termite inspections to be conducted at least every 12 months. If a home has had previous incidences of termite activity or is identified as having high risk factors 6 monthly inspections are recommended.
3. What should I do if I think I have found termites?
First step is not to disturb the suspected activity site. Do not spray the termites with anything, this can lead to the termites retreating into their leads which makes it difficult for identification. Next step is to organise a termite inspection with a qualified and experienced pest management company, such as SWOT. Once a thorough inspection is completed you will be provided with recommendations based on what activity was found. For more information on how to minimise the risk of termites to your home see our blog https://www.swotpest.com/post/termites-how-to-actively-minimise-the-risk-to-your-home.
4. Why choose SWOT?
Since 2003 SWOT has built a strong reputation is a reliable and professional pest management company that is big on customer service. Our team of technicians are fully qualified and experienced enabling them to tackle a wide range of pest issues. We use premium quality products that ensure a safe and effective treatment is in place within your home and business.
5. What do I need to do before my service?
For most services there is not too much preparation that is required. In most cases our technicians prefer this as this means there has been minimal disruption to pest issues that may be present and therefore, they can identify problem areas and tailor the treatment accordingly. However, there are a couple of recommendations:
- For Flea treatments – lawns are mowed prior to service.
- Urban Pest Management – technicians have access to treat around the perimeter of rooms. Large furniture does not need to be moved.
- Termite Inspections – ensure clear access to subfloors and roof voids if available.
6. What should I expect after a service?
All treatments will involve a settling in period for the barrier to take effect, the settling in period can take up to 6 weeks however you will start seeing results immediately. You may still see some activity however as it the pests come into contact with the barrier you will begin to see pests dead.
7. What should I do about pets?
With pets we recommend removing/covering food and water bowls during the treatment. While pets are welcome to still be in the house while we are completing the treatment, we do recommend that if possible pets are brought inside while the exterior is being treated and the are outside when the interior is being treated.
8. Do I need to leave the house during the treatment?
There is absolutely no need to leave the house during the treatment. We carefully select the products we use during our services to ensure that they do not impact the health and safety of our clients or our team, this also enables us to treat commercial premises such as nursing homes, schools, and day care centres. However, we do understand some clients would prefer to leave during the interior service, some of our clients elect to go for a walk during the interior service or move into their backyard. Simply advise our team of your preference and we will adjust the service accordingly.
9. What happens if it is raining on the day of my service?
Weather can be unpredictable; however rain does not stop our services from going ahead. For services that require an exterior treatment, any areas that are unable to be completed due to rain will be rescheduled to a time when the weather clears. Our team will contact you to organise a convenient time to return and completed those areas. In the case of SWOT’s Urban Pest Management service, once all areas are completed your 6 month warranty will commence.
10. How long will the service take?
How long a service takes depends on the treatment itself, the pest issues present and the size of your property. On average most individual services will take around an hour to complete, however for more intense infestations or larger properties more time may be required.
11. When can I mop my floors?
We recommend waiting approximately a week to mop floors, this allows for the barrier to settle properly on surfaces. However, if you need to mop your floors sooner, we advise to not mop right up to your skirting boards and walls, instead leave approximately a 10cm barrier around walls and furniture.
12. Can vehicles, caravans etc be treated
We can definitely treat vehicles and caravans, simply let us know if you require these at the time of booking.
